Freedom Park Heritage Site

A Hero of the Revolutionary Struggle – Abram Onkgopotse Tiro Memorial Lecture – 1 February 2023

Onkgopotse Tiro Memorial Lecture

Freedom Park will host a memorial lecture in honour of Abram Onkgopotse Tiro. 1 February 1974, Onkgopotse Abram Tiro, a leader of the South African Students’ Organisation (SASO), was killed by a parcel bomb near Gaborone, Botswana. 

As we remember our struggle heroes let us not forget the selflessness of our heroes and heroines. These are our role models who deserve a place in history that is worth emulating by present and future generations. Unfortunately, their indelible sacrifices have not been given the utmost attention they deserve. Hailed as the hero of the revolutionary struggle in South Africa, Tiro was the first South African freedom fighter the apartheid regime pursued into Botswana, where he was assassinated with a parcel bomb. So, in many ways, Tiro was the primal victim, a symbol of the horrors of apartheid.

‘It is said that a nation that forgets its youth and martyrs will not understand its history and runs the risk of itself being forgotten.’