Freedom Park Heritage Site


Nzalo Careers is partnering with Freedom Park for the Nzalo Mentorship Programme, In commemoration of Mandela day. Nzalo Careers targets 67 learners (under graduates and high school learners) and 33 Professionals from different fields of work.

Nzalo Careers is a company that specializes in career and leadership development focusing on schools in township and rural areas. Over 40% of first year students drop out in tertiary due reasons such as wrong career choice, funding, poor coping mechanism, etc and the rate of youth unemployment is alarmingly high. Nzalo Careers exists to help youth find purpose and become effective contributors to the economy. Nzalo Careers has seen over 100 000 learners to date. “Mentorship is one of the tools we use to expose learners to the world of work and to access a network of professionals. The programme has been happing for over 9 years and we are excited about the mentors who started as mentees and now want to give back.” – Sedzani Netshitenzhe, MD and founder.

Nzalo Mentorship Programme is a half day event to empower our 67 learners (high school and under graduates) on career, leadership, and personal development skills through mentorship. For a full year, mentors and mentees are encouraged to continue the relationship. 67 learners, 33 mentors, 67 minutes of mentorship. This concept is inspired by Our former president Nelson Mandela who encouraged us to use this month to create a South Africa we want to live in. Freedom Park will incorporate their state-of-the-art museums to educate our youth about our history and careers involved in the industry.

Nzalo Careers has been in Partnership with Freedom Park in the past years and this partnership is continuing for 2023. We have other sponsors on board such Department of Tourism, Boston Business College, and Sweet Aroma Bakery. Amongst some of the speakers is Vincent Motholo, University of Cape Town CFO and Chairman of SAICA.

Activities and Benefits for mentees are:

  • Mentorship
  • Get exposure to the world of work and its requirements.
  • Build networks.
  • Learn how to articulate and develop career goals.
  • Mentees learn from mentor mistakes and build leadership qualities.

Previous Feedback from the Mentees and Mentors are “Very Informative. I feel like I can be someone and make a difference in this world.” – Mentee

“Satisfying experience and wonderful interactions. It was very interactive, and the mentees were free and showed trust in me as a mentor.” – Mentor

Members of the media are invited to cover the event as follows:

Date: Saturday 22nd July 2023

Time: 08:30 to 13:30 (Media arrive at 7:30am)

Venue:  Freedom Park National Heritage Site, cnr. Koch & 7th Avenue Salvokop, Pretoria.

Dress code:  Casual (Jeans and T shirts

Media Enquiries:

Sedzani Netshitenzhe : 012 012 5897/073 481 8510

Naomi Madima: 012 336 4006/060 961 3851